Our direct services are built around our students special needs and designed to involve parents. We can help with a wide variety of disabilities, from behavior to physical therapy.

Audiology and Hearing Impaired Services

Four hearing impaired certified teachers are available to serve students with hearing difficulties within the twenty-two member school districts of this cooperative. Students are seen for either direct service within their classroom or on a consultative basis. In addition, a licensed audiologist proves impedance screening to very young children in all member districts. Two days per week, the audiologist performs audiological evaluations in a sound booth on the campus of WIU.

Autism Consultative Services

WCISEC consultants serve children identified as having a disability within the autism spectrum. These consultants visit the students in their classrooms and with input from teachers, administrators, and families develop techniques to address specific concerns, which may have an adverse affect on student progress.

Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs Programming (ED): Self-Contained Programs, Alternative Schools, and Consultation for Interventions and Supports

WCISEC provides students with moderate social emotional and behavioral needs programming to address their individual needs.  Students are required to meet individual program requirements but will graduate from the home district.  The ultimate goal of our ED programs is to assist in appropriate skill development and an ability to self regulate to return to an individual’s home district.

WCISEC ED programs  are established for those students with social, emotional, and behavioral concerns which interfere with their learning within the general education setting.  In cooperation with parents and community agencies, these schools will provide educational and social opportunities for students to develop skills in appropriate communication, impulse control, and self-regulation in a safe educational environment that will prepare them to become contributing members of society.

Multiple Disabilities Programs (MD): Self-Contained Programs

WCISEC provides students with moderate to severe Autism, Intellectual Disabilities and/or Physical Impairments programming to meet individual needs.  Our MD Programs serve children ages 5 – 21 with a curriculum that focuses on pre-academic, life, functional, and vocational skills.

Physical and Occupational Therapy

Physical/Occupational therapy services in the schools can be provided by a physical/occupational therapist or a certified occupational therapy assistant/physical therapy assistants. It is the goal of the PT/OT to determine whether motor problems of a student hinder their ability to perform in the educational setting. Occupational therapists assess fine motor skills, daily living skills, visual motor skills and sensory integrative deficits. Physical therapists assess gross motor skills, ambulation, mobility, and equipment needs.

School Social Work Services

Through the use of assessment, counseling, consultation and coordination of services, School Social Workers provide unique services to students, parents, school and the community. A primary objective of the School Social Worker is the early identification and prevention of problems within the school setting. School Social Workers work with student who show signs of social, emotional, physical or environmental difficulties that interfere with their school adjustment and achievement.

Speech/Language Pathology Services

Speech and Language services are provided to students who are enrolled in WCISEC programs by Speech/Language Pathologists. Services are provided for children who have difficulty with communication skills, which may interfere with their academic and social interactions. School-based Speech/Language Pathologists see students for treatment of speech sound production, language, voice, and fluency (stuttering). Services include diagnosis of possible impairments and individualized/small group treatment and consultation if warranted. Treatment is directed by goals established in an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), which is developed with input from the IEP team.